Saturday, January 9, 2010

crosby, stills, & nash

"Crosby, Stills & Nash is a pioneering folk/rock supergroup that was formed by refugees from three 1960s bands: The Byrds, Buffalo Springfield, and The Hollies. The band is primarily known for their three-part vocal harmonies. They are strongly associated with the Woodstock Festival. They are commonly referred to by their initials CSN."

Last FM Tags: classic rock, folk rock, folk, rock, 60s

My Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

My dad is a big CSN fan and he used to take me to their concerts a lot when I was younger.

I did not like their music AT ALL at the time because I guess I was too young to appreciate them.

But I later saw them when I was thirteen or fourteen and I thought they were amazing.

I saw them three more times after that, will go again when they come.

Classic music, great musicians, popular album.

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